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Grange Community Primary SchoolFelixstowe

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Year 2 Puffins

Welcome to Year 2 Puffins.


I'm looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. 


We will start our new timetable fully next week. This week we will get used to our new surroundings and find out how we are expected to work.


Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays from next week, so you will come in your P.E kit on those days, tracksuits are allowed as it may be cold and we will be doing PE outside. PE will start next week on Monday. 


You do not need to bring anything to school tomorrow apart from a water bottle and suitable clothing and preparation for the weather.  


Our school day starts at 8:55am and finishes at 3:25pm. You will walk straight to the gate and line up by the steps. Once in the classroom you will wash your hands before finding your table.


See you soon

Miss  Brown


Reading every day is one of the most important things that you can do to keep your skills charged up whilst we're off school.  Try to read something every day.  It can be anything you like - a story, a picture book, an information text, a comic, a news paper, a website ... 

Keep recording in your reading diary whenever you read to an adult.  Mrs Gerrie will be adding up how many reads you've done when we get back.  I'm looking forward to Year 2 getting loads of certificates in celebration assembly! smiley

Purple Mash

Your login is in your reading diary.

I have set up a blog in Purple Mash where we can keep in touch, share our work and tell each other what we have been doing.  To see the blog, go into Purple Mash and click on Sharing.  Then click on Shared Blog and click on Year 2 Puffins.  Click on my post to find out how to add your own.

TT Rockstars.
Your login is inside your reading diary.
Speech and Language Support
Try a "Chat Challenge".
These ideas, games and activities will help everyone to develop their communication skills, especially those who need to practice their speech and language skills. 
Enjoying the internet safely.

Please remember how to stay safe on the internet.  

Do not share your personal details or photographs.  

Use a nickname in online games. 

Tell an adult if anything online worries, confuses or upsets you.
