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Grange Community Primary SchoolFelixstowe

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Year 1 - Woodpeckers

Welcome to Year 1

Woodpeckers Class

I'm looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. 


We will start our new timetable fully next week. This week we will get used to our new surroundings and find out how we are expected to work.


Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays from next week, so you will come in your P.E kit on those days, tracksuits are allowed as it may be cold and we will be doing PE outside.


This half term we will be doing Outdoor Learning every Friday with Mrs Hughes so please come to school in old clothes on a Friday. Mrs Hughes has already sent you an email about Outdoor Learning this morning.


You do not need to bring anything to school tomorrow apart from a water bottle and suitable clothing and preparation for the weather.  


Our school day starts at 8:35am and finishes at 3:05pm. You will walk on to the playground and follow the arrows to the Reception outdoor area like last year but come to the Year 1 door. Follow the directions and lines on the playground so you can maintain your distance while waiting to come into class. Once in the classroom you will wash your hands before finding your table.


See you soon

Miss Voller

Don't forget to share your work on our class blog or you can send us a message or photos through Class Dojo so we can all see what you are getting up to.

Blank's Levels of Questioning

Have a go at these activities from the Wildlife Trust for their 30 Days Wild in June

Blank World Map

Here are some questions you can ask your child while they are reading to develop their reading skills.

Kims Game


Go on a hunt for household items in different shapes and place them in front of you and the other players. Identify each shape name and spend a minute trying to memorise them. Cover with a tea towel and close your eyes. Ask your grown up to remove one item. Open your eyes. Can you spot which is missing?

Back Drawing


Ask a member of your family to use their magic finger to 'draw' a 2D shape on your back (or the palm of your hand). If it's a bit tricky, they can count the number of sides as they 'draw' them. Can you swap places and do a shape on their back?

Andy Goldsworthy Powerpoint

Suggested Timetable to use at home to establish a routine for home schooling

Autumn Term Newsletter

Phonics Screening Check Information
